At Avanza Traducciones, we continue to work with consecutive interpreting in situ and online:
Face-to-face: The interpreter(s) travel to the place of the meeting, the Court, or the Arbitration Chamber.
We can set up microphones and sound systems in any room.
This ensures that the recording of the meeting, arbitration, negotiation, etc., is done correctly, not only through ambient microphones without a noise gate.
Remote – connection to a virtual meeting created by the client.
Consecutive interpreting is suitable for meetings with 2 working languages and a small number of participants (no more than 20) for short events or events with established breaks. These recommendations will ensure that the event does not take too long and that the attendees follow the full presentation. Consecutive interpreting only requires an interpreter and a basic sound system with two microphones.
For consecutive interpreting, the interpreter’s training is in translation and interpreting, with specialisation in the latter area. Our professional interpreters have postgraduate studies and a minimum of empirical experience.
Consecutive Interpreting is also suitable for depositions in arbitration and litigation. Although it slows down the deposition, the lawyer controls the nuance the interpreter gives to both the question and the answer and can quickly rephrase.
Some of the events for which we are asked to provide consecutive interpreting are:
- Consecutive interpreting in commercial/business meetings
- Consecutive interpreting at shareholders’ meetings
- Consecutive interpreting in short training courses
- Consecutive interpreting of interviews
- Consecutive interpreting of press conferences
- Consecutive interpreting of market research
- Consecutive interpreting on incentive or business trips – Linguistic support during the visit